Warna-Color E - Volumes

Warna-Color E - Volumes
Download : warna - volume 1, 2 3, and 4

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jan 07 2013

Today my dearest student asked me a question
          “Are you rich ?”
I was little bit confused. And I answered, “Yes”. So.. he got the answer and without questioning anymore, continued what he's doing. But I was still confused. When I went home, I recalled that and thought.. “Am I really rich”
My heart answered me.

The dictionary definition for the word “rich” is
          [1] having much money or many assets.
          [2] containing a large amount of something specified; abundant

Again the dictionary definition for the word “assets” is
          [1] a property with money value
          [2] a useful or valuable thing, person or quality

So.. my heart is correct. According to the definition rich[1];assets[2]; yes I'm rich. And definition rich[2]; also prove I'm not guilty with my answer. But I'm fail with most famous definition of “rich”.

Eureka... Since I'm not guilty, I can induct that every man, woman and child in this world are rich.

While someone being rich of rich[1];assets[1]; another being rich of rich[2]; or rich[1];assets[2]; such as poverty, hungry, loneliness, love, passion, creativity.

This is a rich world.